Sports Fishing in Niigata City and Japan

Fishes under the sea, Japan ; A diver post me four pics.

Mr.Yamagishi is a Japanese diver and a husband of my colleague. He is another Yamagishi of large mouth bass in Hatirogata. He post me four pictures of fishes. Almost of you and I are anglers and rarely see fishes under the sea. We always see them on the riverbanks, boats and beaches.

Let's go under the sea.

Click pictures !
Kobudai, Bulgyhead Wrasse, Semicossyhus reticulatus
Mebaru, Rockfish, Sebastes inermis
Kanpachi, Amber Jack, Seriola dumerili
Hirame, Flat Fish, Paralichthys olivaceus

Pic.1: Kobudai ; Bulgyhead Wrasse, Semicossyhus reticulatus

I did not know its English name. Peter in UK emailed and told me that Kobudai is called Bulgyhead Wrasse in English. Thank you, Peter.

Mr. Yamagishi took this picture in the Sado Island in Niigata Prefecture. A big rock is sinking deeply under the sea and it is called the Red Rock. Several Kobudai live there and nobody attempt to catch them. Then they are not afraid of human, and never run away. They eat shellfishes, have strong teeth and grow big. The fish in Pic.1 is one meter in length! It may be exciting to fish them, but they are popular stars in Sado and you must not catch them!

Pic.2: Mebaru ; Rock Fish, Sebastes inermis

Mebaru are popular fish in the Niigata coast. They live rocky places and eat fishes and shrimps. They taste nice and are easy to fish.

Mebaru in pic.2 was in Sado, too. They grow slowly and are not so large. That one is 20 cm in length. But it has a big eye. Mebaru means Big eyes widely opened in Japanese.

Pic.3: Kanpachi ; Amber Jack, Seriola dumerili

It is one of Yellowtail, probably. These in pic.3 are 50 cm in length, but Kanpachi grow more larger. They are sprinter and fish-eater. If I were there, I would never take pictures, I would cast metal jigs to their faces!

This picture was taken in Izu near Tokyo. If you come to Tokyo, go to Izu and enjoy outdoors.

Pic.4: Hirame ; Flat Fish, Paralichthys olivaceus

Do you see the teeth? Hirame are also fish-eaters. They always stay on the bottom quietly, but when the bait come, they attack rapidly.

They also taste good, and the price of Hirame is about fourty U.S.dollars per 1Kg in Japan!! Why do you export your Hirame to Japan?
