Sports Fishing in Niigata City and Japan

the north breakwater of Niigata East Port

I introduce the north breakwater of Niigata East Port. We fish Spanish mackerel in spring here. A Japanese name of Spanish mackerel is Sawara. Sawara had not inhabited in Niigata. They live in warmer water in Japan. But they have begun to inhabit in Niigata three years ago. I do not know why they come to Niigata.

the season

The best season is spring; March and April. But we can catch them in autumn and even in winter.

the best spot

The best spot in spring is the north breakwater of Niigata East Port. We have two port in Niigata City. One is West Port and the other is East Port. Do'nt confuse.

In autumn we can fish them everywhere in Niigata East Port.

tackles and methods

Lure fishing is best. We use metal jigs only. The size of jigs is one or two oz. Color is blue or pink. The length of rods ia about eleven feets. Fishing lines are tweleve Ib.

It is easy to fish. You cast a metal jig, then the jig sinks to the bottom. And you retrieve the lure as fast as possible. When the west wind blows, we can get many Sawara. When the east wind blows, we can get only a few Sawara. I do not know why.

You should get up early in the morning. The best time is before sunrise in the morning.

expected results

On the best day, we can get over thirty Sawara. The average size is twenty to thirty inches in length. But on the worst day, we can get no fish!

other important things

  1. It will be crowded in the best season.
  2. Sawara has sharp teeth. Be carefull not to injury your fingers.

some of my results in 2000

  1. I got twenty Sawara on April 23th.
  2. I got thity-five Sawara on April 29th.
  3. I got seven Sawara on April 30th.
  4. I got eight Sawara on May 5th.
  5. I did not took pictures.


Go to the Shibata distrits from Niigata City on the 7th highway. Go down at Hasuno IC. Go to the north and you will arrive there. Before you start to go, contact me. I will tell you in full.

the map of the north breakwater of Niigata east Port