I told you on another page about the sluice of the Niigo River, which is my secret place for seabass fishing. I got one more ranker seabass there again. I tell you about it.
The sluice is located in a residential section. But only a few or few anglers know that it is a good fishing spot. It is secret.
By the way, you may worry whether it is OK, even if I speak about the secret spot. But it is no problem, as you may never go to the Niigo, and Japanese anglers will see my Japanese pages but never this English page.
I got up early before dawn and went to the sluice. No angler was there. It was a chance.
I cast lures again and again. Though I have gotten some strikes soon on September 28, I got no strike and the sun was rising. I would become a Bozu, that means a Buddhistic priest.
Once upon a day Gautama Buddha taught that you must not kill any living things. After that Buddhistic priests never kill living things including fishes. So in Japan when an angler goes fishing and gets no fish, he is called a Buddhistic priest. You had better remember "Bozu", if you fish in Japan.
I breathed a sigh and looked at the water surface. By chance I found a small wave which a fish stood. I began to cast lures again.
After several minutes, I felt a small strike and a fish was caught with my fishhook. The fish was so big that it took some minutes to get it. Pic.1 and 2 show it. The length was 83 cm and the weight was 4.3 Kg. Fortunately I did not become a Buddhistic priest.
After that I went there several times. But I could catch no fish. ( That is, I was a Bozu. ) . I thought the season was changing, seabasses went away, and that I should find other fishing spots.
After several days I found a nice place and then had nice fishing days as long as two months. I will tell you about it soon.